Diamond Valves
Trusted hygienic stainless steel valves, that are fully maintainable.
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Diamond Valves
Trusted hygienic stainless steel valves, that are fully maintainable
From food processing to pharmaceuticals, Diamond valves provide the highest performance standards.
When you choose DPL for your Diamond valves, you get:
- Expert advice to help you choose the right Diamond valves for your application
- Guaranteed compatibility thanks to our wide range of end connections
- Clear traceability of parts and spares thanks to our dedicated valve coding
- Actuators and switch boxes for central computer control to meet your control requirements
Certification for DPL Products
From the vast array of published standards there are a number that are key to each industry. The accepted way of confirming that the standard has been complied with is for the manufacturer or service provider to issue a form of certificate with the goods or service.
There are many types of certificate but typically they can be categorised as Certificates of compliance, Test certificates, Inspection certificates or reports and Certificates of acquired skill or attainment.
DPL is an assessed company to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assurance standard and certifies that its products meet the relevant standards the product was designed for and also where modifications are made to suit a specific purpose. We provide a Certificate of Conformance with each order dispatched. Our seal and gasket components are food contact safe and we provide certification for these that states the relevant FDA schedule number for the material.
A Valve Test Certificate is available for all DPL supplied valves. This will supply information on the materials used, the seal material and seal standards, the method of test and the test pressures, and the internal surface finish. Component Material certificates for the product wetted surfaces of the valve are also available with this certificate.
EU safety law
A statement of compliance is normally a legal requirement evoked by a European Directive. DPL issue these with every valve and actuator in line with the requirements of the particular commodity type along with our recommended valve installation procedures.
Some of the legislation affecting DPL products includes the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), designed for pressure bearing products safety and the Machinery Directive that requires the design of the machinery is safe to operate and presents no hazard in operation.
DPL produces valves that comply with the electrical bias ATEX directive, for safety of operation in potentially explosive atmospheres which also seeks to prevent ignition through static discharge on non electrical products.
There are many other specialist certificates that have not been covered above. If you require a particular approval certificate for the components we can supply for your installation please enquire at the time of order with your DPL Sales contact.
Stainless Fittings (SFL) and Dairy Pipe Lines (DPL) are manufacturers of a range of stainless steel fittings, valves and bespoke fabricated units for the bio-processing, pharmaceutical and food industries. The companies are regularly assessed to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management standard.
The products provided by the company meet the stringent statutory and regulatory requirements demanded by the marketplace. Inspections and product tests are carried out at regular stages of manufacture allowing comprehensive quality records to be maintained. These records can then be used for analysis as part of our commitment to ongoing process and product improvements. As part of this process, bi-monthly reviews are in place to ensure the quality system continues to support our business objectives.
With the processes of the Quality Management System defined and implemented, one major role of the management team is to adapt these processes to meet changing requirements in the industry and to enhance the business wherever this results in a benefit to our customers.
Our initial contact with our customers is normally through the Sales team. Here your precise requirements are assessed and stock availability discussed with you in order to meet your needs. Where you require us to make use of our fabrication facility, we take the time to understand your exact requirements even further.
After being sure that your sales contact has a clear understanding of your requirements, we conduct a Contract Review Meeting to ensure that the entire team responsible for manufacturing your order are all clear on what is needed.
We will contact you where we need further information or where we need specific points being clarified. All agreements are documented so you can be sure we have your requirements on board.
Material traceability is of prime importance to us, and therefore our internal bespoke systems and material identification allows us to trace material back to its origin.
SFL and DPL offer a wide range of certification options to include Certificates of Conformance, Original Material Certificates, EP or Passivation Certs, Weld maps, Qualifications and Procedures to name a few. Just discuss your requirements with us – our Mission is your Peace of Mind.
Click one of these links to view or download our EU Directive Statements for